Sunday, August 4, 2013

Soccer games and sign language

The afternoon was slipping toward evening as we took a walk on a path by the sea, still rough from the thunder storm last night.  Turning off to go through a small cluster of homes, we had just finished over at the soccer field watching the ladies’ community team in a match.  I heard a squeal and turned to see the biggest smile and an adorable two year old rushing toward me with arms out-stretched before I caught him up and tossed him in the air, ending with a big hug.  I was dropping off some antibiotics.  In form with the way of life here there are fewer degrees of separation between tasks, time and roles, so while out recreating with friends it is perfectly normal to also make medical house calls as needed. He’s had a pretty solid chest cold.  But what a miracle that little boy is!  Two weeks ago he was resuscitated after being found drowned in the ocean and by all accounts it is the merciful hand of Jesus that spared him.  

About a month ago I was reacquainted with the family and learned that this little guy is deaf.  Yesterday we had our first “session” of sign together.  Bubbles, picture books and about 7 neighbor kids all scrambling to get him to sign “more” so I’d launch another puff of sticky bubbles.  He will have more teachers than he will know what to do with.  Excited to see Jesus work in this.  Praying about how to connect the other deaf individuals here together and to the community for as of yet they do not have the same involvement and belonging as their peers.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A walk in the park

School is underway.  I got to help the 4th graders with long division today. Getting to pull out of class with Ms. Brittany has more to do with with the attention than with the math, and I love it!  Plus it gives the teachers in the classes fewer students so they too can pour more love and attention into each individual kid.  The 5th and 6th grade boys brought their machete's to school today.  Nothing's wrong. In fact, it's a great thing!  A community effort is under way to clear out the bush and jungle on the land next to the clinic for a small soccer field and park. So the kids got a free day from uniforms and are getting out of class an hour early to be part of the project.  And they are stoked!  Last night a group of boys and some ladies from the community, in a matter of hours, cleared a huge track of the land in impressive style.  We are all looking forward to watching the kids play in the park.  (I will admit I am not used to watching our rambunctious 11 year olds swing 2 foot blades, whacking away at everything in sight, and I hope not to have to open the clinic today.  We go on in hope!)  Here's to the fun!