Financial Support

I know that to ask this is to ask you to make sacrifices in your own family budget.  But it is not simply to pay for my room and board, but as WE, the people of God fellowship in the Gospel, we are united in the mission of God to share the Story of God with the whole world, that each person may know his or her place in His story, know His love for them, and live in the Kingdom of Jesus.  So I ask you to partner in THAT mission.  Every single one of us who knows Jesus is called to live out His mission of reconciliation.  It simply becomes a matter of letting Him then decide in which city to place us.  Right now for me that place is Helene and I need your help to pay the rent, board, insurance, travel and training costs.  Each month I need to raise $1600.  Maybe you could buy me a “latte” each week.  Maybe it’s more.  Jesus is really faithful to provide.  He has all the means in the universe, and He invites us to share His generous heart, to be involved in His work, and know the joy of being His servant. 

Online: click here!
Check and Snail Mail: send a check made payable to MEI to: P.O Box 13682 Oklahoma City, OK, 73113 

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