Saturday, February 9, 2013

The place I used to live

That moment when your feet leave the ground.  That instant when a bird's wings lift her off her perch.  When a leaf blows from the twig.  A step, a leap, a fall even.  Just wondering what words to put to this moment.

After 18 life-changing months living in Alhambra and witnessing God work in my life and the lives of many around me, I moved out of my little apartment today.   I have especially loved the 6 months in that space. All throughout the day of packing and sorting and cleaning, 4-6 little kids were hanging around the house, digging through the bags of things for Goodwill or offering to help and asking me after every assigned task, "What now, Brittany?"  It was one of those times where you know it would go faster and easier if I wasn't doling out things to do and answering questions and stepping around them, but I would have it no other way.  It was a parting gift to be treasured.  Then to say goodbye and hug them...I drove away exhausted and just wept.  It feels like I blinked and it almost never happened.  Almost.

So in between the moving and packing, dear friends Ernie and Lupe helped me haul a load of furniture to a family that we had come to hear of who just needed just care and support, then it was off to the LCC Love and Serve BBQ.  Just blocks from my house, so exciting to see the hearts of my Family turn toward this neighborhood and serve the people here.  I want very much to be a part of something beautiful, and having spent the last year and half here hoping and praying for something such as this, I want all the more to share in it.  I rejoice that this is happening, that the heart of Jesus for this neighborhood is growing inside of the people here.

Who knew what joy I'd find in giving up other things to go to the place I used to live.  The moment I knew Jesus was moving me there, the refining soul work that took place, the precious people and relationships.  From Tom walking by in the mornings by the Alhambra house porch, always looking for me around the corner, to Maria and her family in the park.  Name after name recalled to my heart.  So now, once again, things being released, that compelling sense of being moved.  Some things seem easy and I don't sense that deep need to trust.  But there are some things, that to go forward will take a gracious gift of faith to trust the goodness of God and His love for me.

So, I'll keep you posted. Staying with family for the next week.  To-do list includes fundraising matters, necessary shopping, time with family, a good cup of coffee, and a hike.

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